Happy Birthday for a Si Xiao Hai :P

 Teck Wan si xiao hai !!! Happy 20/6 Birthday :)
Although we knew each other just for 20days, but our friendship rocks!
Looking Forward for our next birthday celebration :P

y wan celeb for me worr? i xi guan no celeb de lieww... now u celeb xia... every year nid do liao orrh! XD

Hehe, I know you are touched :P Ok d la, as you are so friend with us, sure will celebrate every year :P
Hope to see you in the next event of BSMM, mayb on the 8/7/12 of  Kawad Competition in your school? You are such a good guy that I will remember for my coming days :)

Looking Forward for my birthday celebration :P Friends, are you ready? XD 

I have a wish,
An impossible wish :)


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